New paper on pangolin phylogenomics and reference genome for the giant pangolin (Smutsia gigantea)
Poster and talk presented by Sophie and Frédéric at SMBE 2023 in beautiful Ferrara
Sophie presented her long-read metagenomics work at ESEB 2022 in Prague
Congratulations Mariana!
Sophie talked metagenomics at the European Meeting for PhD Students in Evolutionary Biology
Sophie's outreach activities with Femmes & Science Association and PhD Pub Montpellier
New publication by Sophie with members of the Animal Microbiome Research Group
Bye Rémi, so long, and thanks for all the fish!
Sophie talked long read metagenomics at the Animal Microbiome Research Group virtual meeting
Sophie presented a plenary talk at virtual London Calling 2021
Sophie attended an online course on Metagenomics
Congrats to Rémi for successfully defending his PhD!
Adeus e obrigado por tudo, Sérgio !
Welcome to Victor and Timothée as new Master students
Mathilde attended an online course on Speciation Genomics
Two new PhD students join the ConvergeAnt project
Congratulations to Sophie!
Rémi's MitoFinder paper published in Molecular Ecology Resources
Congrats Zach!
Talk at ALPHY 2020